Mohini Ekadashi 2024: Know the significance, rituals, and reasons to celebrate


Mohini Ekadashi is an auspicious festival that falls on the 11th day of Shukla Paksha in the Vaisakh Month of the Hindu Calendar. The day is devoted to the worship of Mohini Avatar of Lord Vishnu who is the only female manifestation among his all other manifestations.

The worship brings incredible results in the lives of devotees and offers them Salvation from the Earthly cycle of birth and death. In the year 2024, the Mohini Ekadashi Vrat will be celebrated on 19th May as per the Gregorian Calendar. Therefore, if you wish to benefit from Mohini Ekadashi 2024, read the article below to learn awesome facts about it.


Significance Of Ekadashi Vrat In Hinduism

Ekadashi is a Sanskrit word that yields the meaning of 11th day. Like, the Gregoring Calendar, the Hindu Calendar also has 12 months but the days do not count from 1 to 30.  A Hindu month is divided into two fortnights and the day counts are based on the lunar cycle of waning and waxing. Thus, the first fortnight (Collection of 15 Days) in the wax phase is called the Shukla Paksha while the latter in the wan phase is Krishna Paksha. The 11th day of each paksha is marked as the Ekadashi. Hence, there are two Ekadashis in a Month as per the Hindu Calendar, and a total of 24 in a year.

It is a sacred day in Hinduism on which devotees keep fasting and follow the rituals of Ekadashi Vrat. The Ekadashi is devoted to the worship of Lord Vishnu therefore devotees worship Lord Vishnu on this significant day.


Who Is Mohini In The Mohini Ekadashi Vrat?

Mohini is one of the incarnations of Lord Vishnu who appears after ‘Samundra Manthan (Sea Churning)’ by Devas and Asuras. The popular belief behind the sea churning is that, because of certain reasons Devas had lost their strength and wealth. Hence, they formed an ally with Asuras to fetch out Gems and Amrit (A drink of Immortality) from Kshira Sagar (The Milk Ocean). However, obtaining Amrita was the ultimate dream of both.

Therefore, Asuras fleed away by taking the Amrit Kalash after it originated out of the sea womb. To this, Devas requested Lord Vishnu to help them in finding the Amrit Kalash back as consuming it by demons can result in bitter consequences for the world. Therefore, Lord Vishnu took the form of Mohini (a beautiful and enchanting woman).

Image: Goddess Mohini distributing                 Amrit to Devas and Demons                    (Source: Simonorm’s Photo on Flickr)

The demons were deluded by the beauty of Mohini and handed off the Kalash to Mohini with an urge to distribute it equally among all including Devas and Asuras. However, The Mohini Avatar of Lord Vishnu distributed all the Amrit to the Devas and went with an empty vessel to demons. Thus, this way, she helped Devas to get their strength and wealth. However, Demons got furious about this and started to dislike Lord Vishnu.


What Is The Reason Behind Not Consuming Rice On Ekadashi Vrat?

There is a popular belief on not eating Rice or rice-containing food on the Ekadashi. Therefore, A devotee of Ekadashi Vrat follows this rule strictly. However, knowing the reasons behind this can help you understand the significance of this popular belief.

Images: Rice Bowl contains water element

Scientific Reason

The scientific reason for not consuming rice on Ekadashi Vrat relates to the gravitational pull of the Moon on the Earth. As we all know the gravitational pull of the Moon on the Earth results in the formation of High and Low tides in Seas. Thus, the same gravitational pull also affects the human body as the human body contains 70 percent of water among all elements.

Rice grains contain water quantity in them hence consuming them can increase the water level in our body. As a result, the prone of being impacted by the moon’s gravitational pull is higher.

Also, the 11th day of the lunar cycle is a crucial stage and hence can impact more than other days. The impact of the moon’s gravitational pool can result in an unstable and unfocused mind. Hence, devotees may find it difficult to balance between mind and soul and might fail in maintaining the austerity on the day of Ekadashi. This is the reason, devotees are prescribed not to eat rice on the day of Ekadashi.

Religious Reason

According to the Hindu texts, Rice is the abode of Pap-Purush (Negative Energy) on the day of Ekadashi. The Pap-Purush wanted to harm Lord Vishnu and his devotees in any manner. Therefore, whoever takes vows to follow Ekadashi Vrat is advised not to eat rice on Ekadashi.

Consuming rice on Ekadashi can break the austerity of the devotees and can bring bitter results for the devotees. Below is the quote from the divine grace of  Shrila Prabhupada (founder of ISKCON):

“On Ekädasi, everything is cooked for Vishnu, including regular grains and dhal, but it is enjoined that a Vaishnava should not even take vishnu-prasädam on Ekädasi. It is said that a Vaishnava does not accept anything eatable that is not offered to Lord Vishnu, but on Ekädasi a Vaishñava should not touch even mahä-prasädam offered to Vishñu, although such prasädam may be kept for being eaten the next day. It is strictly forbidden for one to accept any kind of grain on Ekädasi, even if it is offered to Lord Vishñu”.



What Rituals You Should Follow For Mohini Ekadashi?

In actuality, Ekadashi is a festival of 3 days that includes the day before, the 11th day, and the following day of Ekadashi. The day before the Ekadashi is the 10th day and pronounced as ‘Dashmi‘ while the following day to Ekadashi is the 12th day pronounced as ‘Dwadash‘ according to the Hindu Calendar. Therefore, devotees need to obey the following practices during the three-day festival.

Rituals for the 10th Day

It is the day when you make up your mind for the Ekadashi Festival (Mohini Ekadashi). Therefore, you must prepare yourself to go on austerity on the following day otherwise it will be difficult for you to keep austere on the main day.

To prepare yourself, you must take light food in the evening so that no residual grain remains on the following day. If possible, try to sleep with low maintenance for example you can sleep on the floor to better prepare yourself for the next day.

Rituals for the 11th Day

It is an important day when you take vows to follow the rituals of Ekadashi Vrat. Therefore, get awake in the Brahma Muhurat (the time about three hours before the actual sunrise) and take a bath. Do offer worship to Lord Vishnu according to the best time and take a vow to follow the Ekadashi Vrat. Ask for the blessing of Lord Vishnu so that you can complete your Vrat.

After that, you can eat fruits on Ekadashi if you wish otherwise you can do Nirjala Fasting (fasting without having a drop of water). But again it depends on your choice and hence differs from person to person and their devotion. You can take Jagaran (Night Awake) on the Ekadashi for better results if possible.

Rituals for the 12th Day

It is the day when you break your fast after taking a holy bath in Brahma Muhurat. After taking a bath, do offer worship to Lord Vishnu and pay thanks for everything. After this, you can break your fast after donating food to Brahman or by keeping it aside to be donated later.


Do’s and Don’ts for Mohini Ekadashi Vrat

Following are the Do’s and Don’ts for Mohini Ekadashi Vrat 2024:


(a) Surround yourself with a positive and spiritual environment to keep your soul pure and devoted.

(b) Must listen to the Mohini Ekadashi Vrat Katha on the 11th day. If possible spend time on reading other spiritual books such as Bhagavad Gita or Puran, etc.

(c)  Try to survive on the minimum food as it is the day of austerity and you must understand the significance of it.


(a) Don’t eat rice or rice-containing food on the day of Mohini Ekadashi in any case.

(b) Tulsi is the plant that is loving to Lord Vishnu. Therefore, don’t pluck the Tulsi Leafs on the day of Ekadashi.

(c) Keep yourself away from any seductive or lusty activity.



The Ekadashi Vrat has much more scientific importance than religious or cultural importance. It is a way to detoxify your body and make your mind spiritual. Various researches prove Hindu Rituals are much more scientific than being religious. Therefore, even if you are not a practicing Hindu, you can keep fasting on Ekadashi to grow spiritually. Here is a research result by “Current Research in Nutrition in Food Science” that focuses on Intermittent Fasting on Ekadashi Day and its Role in Spiritual Nutrition.



Q1. When is Mohini Ekadashi in 2024?

Ans. The Mohini Ekadashi in 2024 is falling on 19th May. The scholars say that the Muhurat starts at 11:22 on 18th May and ends at 1:50 on 19th May.

Q2. What is Mohini Ekadashi?

Ans. Mohini Ekadashi is the festival to celebrate the birth of Mohini Avatar of Lord Vishnu. The day is devoted to Lord Vishnu hence the Mohini Avatar of Lord Vishnu is worshipped on this day.

Q3. What to eat on Mohini Ekadashi?

Ans. You can eat fruits on the day of Mohini Ekadashi. However, many prefer Nirjala Upwas which means fast without having any drops of water. But, you can choose what suits you. Also, you must not need to consume rice or rice-containing foods as it is prohibited to eat on Ekadashi.


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Pintu Saw
Pintu Saw

Pintu saw is a Content Writer cum Editor at The Hindu Tales. He is a passionate Writer and Author of an e-Book 'Tamil Kadavul: The Warrior God'.

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